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Sold By:The Hardware Depot
Updating and harmonising standards ensures that manufacturers work to the latest technical knowledge and that equipment isn't manufactured and sold to a standard which becomes increasingly older, ignoring the latest technological advances and manufacturing capabilities that can increase safety. Additionally, users get the benefit of safer products. This latest harmonisation is highly significant as virtually all torches that were previously certified to Zone 20 Dust would not pass these new tests. Furthermore, few manufacturers will be able to design and produce equipment that will in future meet the new rigorous testing needed to achieve the highest rated level: Zone 20, Dust Group IIIC. In short, there will be far fewer new Zone 20 torches available and less choice for the many users who want the reassurance of the safest and “best” certified torch – those who want to know they’re safe when passing from one Zone to another, and where the dividing line between zones may not always be clear.